802-775-2381  | strongstart@rmhsccn.org | Rutland Mental Health Services

Training & Curriculum

Rutland Mental Health Services

Curriculum & Training for Emerging Mental Health Professionals

Strong Start is designed to empower mental health professionals to gain expertise in their field and become a licensed mental health professional in the state of Vermont. Our curriculum and training do not replace independent study; they are tools that help remove obstacles and create opportunity for those passionate about launching and furthering their careers in mental health.

Licensure Exam Preparation

& Study Groups

Strong Start’s Exam Preparation & Study Group component provides study resources and mentorship to help participants study for licensure exams so they may eventually practice as licensed mental health professionals in the state of Vermont.

Exam Prep Materials Through Licensure, Inc.

Strong Start proudly partners with Licensure, Inc. to provide full online access to robust exam preparation materials for various clinical licensure exams. These materials include practice tests and study guides to use independently or as part of a study group. [ www.licensureexams.com ]

Study Groups

A weekly study and discussion group helps participants access supplemental materials, find community within their licensure cohort, and add structure to their studies. The group is facilitated by a licensed mental health professional who is committed to championing community, leading discussion, and encouraging group engagement. Additionally, participants are invited to a private Facebook group where they may host discussions, find study materials, and connect outside of the weekly group. While participants are expected to attend each weekly study group (barring extenuating circumstances), they are also encouraged to connect with peers in their cohort and form study groups of their own.

Monthly Community Mental Health Training

Strong Start is a program of Community Care Network, one of Vermont’s ten designated mental health agencies. Community mental health is foundational to the work our agency does, and therefore a crucial component of Strong Start.

We offer monthly trainings on a variety of topics pertinent to direct service staff working with children, adolescents, and families in Rutland County. These trainings cover matters such as complex trauma, utilization of the CANS assessment tool, and more.

This series taps into the extensive experience, education, and expertise of staff to help participants feel competent and confident in their mental health careers.